Comparative evaluation of upper lip length and the commissural height in Chennai population
The aim of this research is to compare and evaluate the upper lip length and the commissural heights to the ideal lip line parameter in South Indian population. 80 subjects were considered for this study which includes 40 males and 40 females. Considering the ideal lip line parameter for females - posed smile (cervicoincisal length of the tooth along with the 1–2 mm of gingival exposure) and exposure of maxillary incisors in relation to smile at rest (3.4 mm). The ideal lip line parameter for males include - posed smile (cervicoincisal length of the tooth along with the interproximal gingiva) and exposure of maxillary incisors in relation to smile at rest (1.9 mm). The lip line measurements were considered as an ideal parameter to compare and evaluate the upper lip length and the commissural height for all the subjects. Photographs of the patients were taken and upper lip. The increase of measurements of upper lip length and commissure height at rest was obseved with age in both male and female. Considering the same age group, changes in upper lip length and commissure height were greater in males in comparison to females. Smile esthetics which are not new concepts, are too often overlooked in orthodontic treatment planning. The eight components of the smile should be regarded as artistic guidelines in order to help orthodontists treat individual patients who are highly aware of smile esthetics.
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