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Changes of serum Interleukin and Chemerin levels in patients with Polycystic Ovary syndrome

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To determine serum chemerin, as well as interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, and IL-17 in polycystic ovary syndrome patients and investigate the possible relationship between them. The study was conducted from 15 March 2017 to 15 March 2018 in obstetrics and gynecology of Tikrit Teaching Hospital in Tikrit city.

Fifty-seven women with polycystic ovary syndrome and 57 healthy women of ages 23-35 years were recruited while obtaining their written consent, divided into two groups using Rotterdam Criteria, and included in this study. There was not any statistically significant difference in the levels of IL-17 between polycystic ovary syndrome women and the control group (45.57 ± 1.49 vs 42.79 ± 1.31 pg/ml). Serum levels of chemerin, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-17 were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences v.21.0. IL-6 and chemerin were significantly higher, and IL-10 was significantly lower in polycystic ovary syndrome patients compared with the healthy controls. No significant difference was observed in IL-17 between healthy controls and polycystic ovary syndrome patients. These findings suggest that chemerin, IL-6, and IL-10 could be a biomarker for the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome.

How to cite this article:
Sarhat ER, Abid IM, Kamel NA, Sarhat TR, Abass KS. Changes of serum Interleukin and Chemerin levels in patients with Polycystic Ovary syndrome. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2021;11(4):11-4. https://doi.org/10.51847/XP8rpqX3Jx
Sarhat, E. R., Abid, I. M., Kamel, N. A., Sarhat, T. R., & Abass, K. S. (2021). Changes of serum Interleukin and Chemerin levels in patients with Polycystic Ovary syndrome. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 11(4), 11-14. https://doi.org/10.51847/XP8rpqX3Jx
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