Capillary Electrophoresis-An insight into different modes and it’s applications
Electrophoresis is one among the separation science most useful as scientific tool which is used extensively in diagnostic and clinical science. CE is widely used in today’s demanding pharmaceutical industry for its fast and robust separation methods, needed in order to reduce the time to market for new drugs. Compared to chromatography, electrophoresis uses an entirely different mechanism of separations. This technique is extensively used nowadays due to small size requirements, low cost, ideal for samples that are costly and time consuming challenges in chromatography. Even though CE is mainly applicable to R&D laboratories, it is migrating towards product testing laboratories, quality control and quality assurance departments, which indicates the technique does show unique benefits and can expect sustained growth in the near future. For long term sustainability of this technique, further development of capillaries suitable for protein analysis and development of other detection modules such as CE-MS is necessary. The present article is an overview of CE and its applications in various fields. Further developments in CE make this technique demanding in future for pharmaceutical industry.
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