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Association between Hyperphosphatemia and Inflammation in Patients with End-Stage Renal Diseases Undergoing Hemodialysis

Mehdi Mahmudpour, Khadijeh Ghasemi, Mostafa Nasiri


Background: One of the major complications of renal failure is hyperphosphatemia. It is revealed that hyperphosphatemia correlates with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality in hemodialysis patients. But data about the direct correlation of hyperphosphatemia and inflammation is limited. We conducted this study to research the correlation between hyperphosphatemia and inflammation as an independent risk factor. Material and method: The kind of study was cross-sectional. Seventy hemodialysis patients from 2 hemodialysis centers who aged more than 18 years old enrolled in this study. To check the correlation between serum phosphorus and hs-CRP, Pearson correlation coefficients were used. An independent sample t-test was used to compare the mean value of groups in different breakpoints of phosphorus. Results: There was a direct correlation between phosphorus and hs-CRP (P= 0.034), especially when phosphorus increased to more than 5.5 mg/dl (P=0.032). Also, there was a direct correlation between phosphorus and Ca×P product (P= 0.018), especially when this product increased to more than 55 (P=0.006). Conclusion: Our data revealed that in hemodialysis patients, the plasma level of phosphorus directly correlates with inflammation especially when increased to more than 5.5 mg/dl. Therefore, hyperphosphatemia can be proposed as an independent risk factor of inflammation in hemodialysis patients.

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