Analysis of problems and prospects of development of voluntary medical insurance in Ukraine
The analysis of the dynamics of the development of the market for voluntary health insurance was carried out on the basis of insurance premiums, payments and insurance payments during 2010-2017. During the years 2010-2017, the net premiums and payments were characterized by a systematic growth. At the same time, these indicators had different growth rates by years. During the crisis period of the country's development (2014-2015), there was a significant increase (+ 24.0%) in the amount of insurance premiums, while the insurance payments showed the lowest (+ 9.0%) value of the chain rates of the growth over the entire investigated period. Indicators of the level of insurance payments had zigzag-like nature of changes. The highest value of the level of insurance payments was observed in 2010 (78.19%), and the lowest was in 2016 (53.9%). According to the analysis of insurance products, “basic” and “specialized” insurance products, which have been offered in such areas as “ambulatory”, “inpatient care” for insured persons, “emergency medical care” and “dental services” and have been implemented at three price levels including ("Economy package", "full package" and "VIP-class"), have been defined. In the market, dominant positions (78.3%) are contracts for collective (corporate) health insurance lasting from 1 year or more. Of the TOP-20 insurers, compiled according to the analysis of the level of insurance payments in 2017, only eight companies had the optimal level of insurance payments (from 30.0% to 60.0%). Thus, it can be argued that voluntary health insurance remains a rather risky type of insurance for native insurers.
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