Analysis of patients` satisfaction through implementing the urban family physician program in Babol County
Background and purpose: The main goal of family physician implementing is delivering the qualified and comprehensive health care services to people due to their satisfaction. This study aimed with Analysis of patients` satisfaction through implementing the urban family physician program in Babol county. Materials and methods: In this applied and cross-sectional study, 800 patients were sampled through multi-stage random method among extra samples in Babol county and data were collected by a researcher-designed questionnaire with 6 dimensions and 30 items included; services, services delivery, services accessibility, physicians, assistants and image each of them with 5 items. Its validity confirmed through experts and its reliability verified by internal consistency calculating for each dimension included; 0.84, 0.86, 0.92, 0.79, 0.83, 0.85. Results: Results showed that patients were satisfied from services, services delivery, services accessibility, physicians and image except assistants (p<0.001). Factor analysis showed that services with standard coefficient and t-value (0.51, 14.07), services delivery (0.50, 12.68), services accessibility (0.54, 14.28), physicians (0.62, 17.09), assistants (0.67, 20.82) and image (0.45, 10.39) are effective factors on the patients` satisfaction. Conclusion: According to above, services, services delivery, services accessibility, physicians, assistants and image are factors which more taking attention to, family physician could be more successful to increase patients` satisfaction and improve their health.
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