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Analysis of effectiveness of the use of multifunctional biopolymers of chitosan and alginate in dentistry

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This literature review provides an overview of the research, manufacture, and application of functional biopolymers of chitosan and alginate in dentistry. A total of 93 articles are included in this review. Since no comprehensive reviews in this field have been published yet, the purpose of this article is to assess the current state of research and practical application of functional gels of chitosan and alginate biopolymers in various areas of dentistry. The article includes the most interesting results of scientists in the XXI century who studied the possibility of using chitosan and alginate in periodontal pathology, dental caries, fractures and defects of jaw bones, as well as in implantology and orthopedic dentistry. As a result of the review, we concluded that at the moment, the most promising biopolymer for practical use in dentistry is chitosan. Alginate is also successfully used by dentists in practice as impression masses and adhesive gels. Other less well-known properties of alginate presented in the review may also be useful for dentists.

How to cite this article:
Ragimov RM, Zakaev CT, Abdullaeva NM, Esiev RK, Pushkin SV, Nauruzova DM, et al. Analysis of effectiveness of the use of multifunctional biopolymers of chitosan and alginate in dentistry. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2022;12(3):21-7. https://doi.org/10.51847/yWRLcwYTDC
Ragimov, R. M., Zakaev, C. T., Abdullaeva, N. M., Esiev, R. K., Pushkin, S. V., Nauruzova, D. M., Balaeva, M. B., & Povetkin, S. N. (2022). Analysis of effectiveness of the use of multifunctional biopolymers of chitosan and alginate in dentistry. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 12(3), 21-27. https://doi.org/10.51847/yWRLcwYTDC
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