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A comprehensive approach to faculty members’ promotion policies

Mohsen Azimi Nezhad1, Farin Tatari, Abasalt Borji


Background: Promotion of human resources of organizations is one of the aspects of human resource management ‎which is important and adopting appropriate policies in this area could have a significant impact on the progression of ‎the organization. Promotion system of faculty members in higher education institutions plays a major role in directing ‎their scientific activities‏ ‏and as one of the most important components of performance improvement and retention of ‎faculty members is an essential part in the academic success of faculty members and universities, therefore has a special ‎position in higher education policymaking. Considering the importance of faculty members' promotion system, we ‎decided to conduct a study in this area.‎ Methods: This study was conducted using the methodology of critical review. Related terminology was selected and ‎extensive and structured search of texts were conducted.280 texts and articles were achieved. Then according to ‎purposive sampling screening of texts was conducted in three stages:‎‏ ‏‎(A) Initial or title screening, (B) Secondary ‎screening, (C) Tertiary screening. 45 articles were analyzed.‎ Results: Universities review the competencies and merits of faculty members and interfere this merit-based evaluation ‎in faculty members' promotion. Faculty members' activities are evaluated in the areas of education, research and ‎administrative services by promotion committees. Weighting these areas is different according to universities and ‎departments but educational activities are one of the most important and essential areas in faculty members' promotion. ‎There is direct connection between the level of promotion and the extent of promotion candidates' educational ‎excellence at all levels of promotion. This educational excellence and reputation of faculty member should be at the ‎college level at the Assistant professor rank, at the national and regional level at the associate professor rank, and at the ‎national and international level at the professorship rank. Strengthen students' independent thinking and reasoning is ‎outstanding advantages of educational criteria. In research area in addition to the number of articles, articles quality and ‎number of citation is important. Many universities continue the promotion process after professor rank. Some ‎universities apply the policy granting promotion to faculty members only according to excellence in teaching or ‎research‎.

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