The effectiveness of fusion music on anxiety and aggression in adolescent
The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of fusion music on reducing anxiety and aggression in adolescent first-grade high school students in District 8 of Tehran. For this purpose, 5000 female students studying in the academic year of 2019-2020 were considered as the statistical population of the study. In the sampling process, two schools were selected using the cluster method and one class was randomly selected among each grade classes, and standard aggression and anxiety questionnaires were distributed among students (pre-test) and then students with higher anxiety and aggression scores were selected and randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. Then, the experimental group participated in music therapy sessions for 10 weeks. After completing the training course, these students participated again in the aggression and anxiety post-test. Given the quasi-experimental nature of the research method and the formation of experimental and control groups in the seventh grade, eighth grade, and ninth grade high schools, about 15 female students were randomly included in each of the experimental and control groups. Besides, to assess and analyze the aggression variable, Aggression Questionnaire and Children’s Anxiety Scale were used to measure anxiety in SPSS software. The results showed that traditional music therapy affects reducing anxiety and aggression of students in all seventh, eighth, and ninth grades, so all hypotheses were confirmed.
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