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Prevalence of Antrochoanal Polyps in patients admitted to ENT ward of Imam Khomeini hospital in Ahvaz

Hassan Abshirini, Shohreh Norouzi, Ayeh Kiani, Seyed Mohammad Tabibzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Haghighizadeh, Tuba Shafieyan


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of antrochoanal polyps (ACPs) and review the literature. Methods and Materials: We retrospectively studied the clinical presentation and operative records of 100 patients with ACPs treated surgically in August 2008-January 2019 (about 10 years). Age, gender, side, clinical symptoms, associated rhinological finding, a form of surgical treatment, postoperative complication, and recurrence rate were reviewed. Results: From 100 patients, 60% were male and 40% were female. The mean age of patients was 27.4 years (Age range: 8-64). The prevalence of ACPs between other polyps was 19% and between other diseases was 0/4%. The most common symptom was nasal obstruction (96.8%) and after that rhinorrhea (50%). 9.3% had bilateral polyps and 90.7% had unilateral polyps. 100% underwent FESS procedure. 25% had a history of sinusitis and 15% had a history of allergic diseases. The recurrence rate was 3% (3 cases) after an average of 20 months postoperatively. Complication after surgery consisted of mild epistaxis and periorbital edema that were seen in 2%. Conclusion: The results of this study were similar to other studies. This study recommends FESS as a safe and suitable procedure for ACPs. This study also suggests evaluating the relationship between allergy and ACPs in more specific future studies.

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