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Extraction of ciprofloxacin using carbon nanotubes modified methyl ‎amine in biological samples

Ali Moghimi, Kamelia Karimnezhad


A new simple and reliable method for rapid and selective extraction and determination of trace ‎levels of ciprofloxacin ion is developed. Thus, drug pharmaceutical control has become a ‎routine technique in many laboratories. This project focuses on the enhancement of a method to ‎determine insignificant amounts of ciprofloxacin in aqueous and biological solutions. This ‎study looks at solid phase extraction of insignificant amounts of ciprofloxacin using carbon ‎nanotubes modified methyl amine in aqueous samples, and ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) ‎spectrophotometry measurement in biological samples. These systems include two phases – the ‎aqueous donor phase and the conjugated carbon nanotubes modified methyl amine acceptor ‎phase. Experiments are performed in two steps – aqueous phase extraction and ciprofloxacin ‎resorption using methanol acidic solvent; resorbed samples are provided to UV-Vis ‎spectrophotometry for further analysis. This method is cheap, simple, fast, and compatible with ‎most instrumental analysis methods. Extraction parameters including resorbing organic solvent ‎effect, pH of donor and acceptor phases, duration of extraction, duration of resorption, shaking ‎time, volume of donor phases, and effects of surfactants are optimized and analysed; and ‎measurements are performed under the optimized situation. The mentioned techniques have ‎many advantages including short extraction time, low consumption of organic solvents, ‎removal of effects of prior experiments, low diagnosis threshold, and high concentration factor. ‎For ciprofloxacin, concentration factor and diagnosis threshold are 51 and 9.51, respectively. ‎Linear domain and relative standard are 1.12%‎‎‎.

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