%0 Journal Article %T Risk of Addison’s disease in patients with Celiac disease %A Ilham Abd Allah Ali Al-Saleem %J Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research %@ 2249-3379 %D 2020 %V 10 %N 3 %P 121-127 %X Background: Celiac disease (CD) is an immune bowel defect  in individuals have a genetic susceptible to gluten diets. CD may co-occur in individuals that may be suffer from other immune extra-bowel disturbance such as autoimmune-mediated endocrine disorders, like primary Addison’s disease (AD)  in which described by decrease the production or activity  of adrenal gland hormones. The explanation of the association between these disorders propose that the steroid of adrenal gland , had convincing the onset of CD at the first time, and posteriorly hidden CD appearance .When AD onset and the serum steroid level reduced , the  CD disease was appeared  in full.   Where is an immunogenetic background is one elucidation for the linkage between the two disorders in which the two heterodimers DQ8 and DQ2 that susceptible to CD, were cis-encoded and were respectively association imbalance with haplotype of ADD individuals (DRB1*04 and DRB1*03)‎. %U https://japer.in/article/risk-of-addisons-disease-in-patients-with-celiac-disease